Welcome to our virtual shop:
(nooshed), like nourished.
That balance of well being of mind and body that creates happiness. It also stands for nutritious, what we strive for when creating each of our products, and lastly for our brand and everything we believe on: simply natural, healthy and delicious.
Our range of cereals were created to give you an easy and tasty breakfast option and to help you take care of your gut, to balance your mind and body and to achieve
health and beauty from the inside.
Every ingredient on the list has its place and function, all with you in mind.
Made in small batches, with care and intention, like having your own private chef. So you can rest assured that it's as fresh as it can be.
Always sourcing the highest quality raw ingredients so you can taste and feel the difference.
Not hungry? You could also find my non-edible favourites for sale here, being art, homeware or anything worth sharing.